Welsh Cakes / Flattened Scones..?

Part of my Family are Welsh and my Best Mate is also a crazy Welsh.. meaning that these cakes were unavoidable! After my Grandma recently gave me her griddle, I took the hint and decided to have a go at making some.

Whenever people ask me what Welsh cakes are, I find this a difficult question to answer. I’ve since decided that they are basically flat scones, so I call them this (It is definitely not a technical baking term..)

Anyway, Welsh cakes are delish and you should definitely make some. I especially love the mixed spice in them, I feel like it’s suitable for the season. (The post seems to have gone a bit disjointed, it is there though so just keep scrolling along!)


– 8oz Self raising flour

-4oz Salted butter

-3oz Caster sugar

-1 tsp Mixed spice

-Handful of currants

-1 Medium-Large egg

-**A griddle pan / Hot plate

Crumb 8oz Self raising flour and 4oz butter



















Combine the remaining ingredients, beating until it hurts your arms (It takes time to form the dough)






















































































































Roll the dough out until about a quarter of an inch in thickness and cook on the hot plate for 1-2 minutes on each side, sprinkling caster sugar on them once that are golden brown.






































Now I’m hungry!!



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